The other day, I was speaking to a friend who was struggling. She was having a hard time over something that was going to make her life better, but she didn’t want to give up her current set of beliefs.

The words I said to her seemed to have no origin. They just shot out of my mouth with a force beyond my control. I didn’t even know what that really meant when I said it.

“All change needs resistance.”


Do You Feel Like Your Life Is Wasting Away?

For a long time, I resisted what made my heart SING. For way too many hours, I sat at desks and gave parts of my soul to build other people’s dreams.  I missed out on the life I wanted.

Although I was damn good at helping others build businesses, I was dark, sad and EXTREMELY unfulfilled.

It reminds me of the poem by Langston Hughes called ‘A Dream Deferred” (although written for a vastly different reason, I could palpably relate to each gorgeous word written).

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore–
And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over–
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Who you are is what you do. If you’re like me and always struggle with the feeling like there’s more out there for you, just remember—you are what you do. If you want different, you have to change what you do.


How Do You Change?

This is where the resistance comes in. No great change has ever happened on this earth without a resistance to the norm first. 

Resistance is one of those paradoxical words. When you live inside of resistance, you don’t give way to the flow of life. It’s a place of non-acceptance AKA suffering. 

But without being in that place of suffering, no change is ever birthed. 

See the trick?

So take that angst you feel about your life wasting away, and let that be your guidepost and your sign that you are indeed, doing the next right action for yourself. 

You Do You

I’ve always been a huge advocate of change, even excited by it. After all, change means you’re LIVING.

Well my friend, let today mark your official day of change. Commit to dream bigger than you ever have, to live happier than you ever have, and to hopefully help more people (or dogs) than you ever have.

ENHANCED and TRANSFORM yourself. What change are you about to CHOOSE for yourself? Because after all, we are only a sum of all of our choices. Even though change is SO HARD, let’s choose to give it some extra props today.

Pushing yourself and your comfort limits will create change. One small paw print at a time ? ?. You can’t get somewhere new doing and being who you’ve always been. It’s time. Bust out. Expand. Get comfortable in the uncomfortable. Push with care just ever so slightly past your tolerance. You’ll be rewarded too

Did you know astronauts can’t get to the moon in one straight shot? That every few moments a new course must be re-plotted? Eventually with enough tiny shifts, they get there!

I encourage you to make one teesny tiny change you need to fulfill a piece of your soul. Just one shift changes the trajectory of your entire life. Roll with it! If I can do it you totally can too. You got this! ?

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