Hierarchy is sooo last astrological age

My name is Nikki and I’m a Priestess.

There I said it. And to be honest, I still don’t like it.

I don’t like hierarchy. I don’t like anything that feels one-up or one-down from another. I don’t like anything that feels or claims to be superior over anything else.

I don’t like when we’re made to feel there’s only one right way to do something. That having the perfect thing is the answer.

Perfection is just a construct made by the patriarchal system. If you can be controlled, then you will never fight back, have a mind of your own, or realize the systems in which we live really only serve a small few.
And we don’t have to stand for it. Because it’s a damn lie.

When you start your initiatory path to becoming a priestess, you’re doing it BECAUSE it’s non-hierarchical. Priestessing is in place to remove hierarchy. Yet, human nature seems to proceed in that very direction.

Being a priestess doesn’t make me better than you. I’m not more needed than you. If we stick to the idea that everyone on this planet has a purpose and a meaning, then you can never take a “more pious” role more seriously than the cashier at the gas station or a teacher in a school. We’re all needed the exact same amount.

Being a priestess, to me, means a few things. Personally, it’s like getting that terminal degree I’ve always wanted. I have always striven for self-mastery, and it’s in my numerological chart. That doesn’t mean I believe you’re not as good as me if you don’t strive for self-mastery. We’re all on different paths here on earth in this incarnation. Your path may to just relax and enjoy the ride. And I love that for you.

It also means that I’ve taken to dedicating my life to the service of others. Again, that does not make me better than you. Everyone in their natural state is already in service to others whether we choose it or not. In this life, I have consciously chosen to be of service in the industry of teaching and education. Again, something that’s in my chart and I can’t get away from it even if I tried.

I have always, for my entire life, been obsessed with the unseen. The esoteric, mystical and occult. It is the filter in which I see the world. I create my life through this filter. So it seems much appropriate that I journey down the path towards priestesshood, so that I can fulfill these parts of me. This is the greatest service anyone can do for anyone, to fulfill themselves to the best of their ability in all their life sectors. Happy people make other people happy.

I’m the oldest of 3 girls. I have been leading the pack since my sister was born. Even if I didn’t have two younger siblings I think I would have always been the leader. Priestessing isn’t’ so much about leading a whole tribe to the river, but to go first to the river to experience its personality. To come back and tell the world about it. To show that there is food, and medicine, peace and shelter there. Priestesses are explorers and storytellers. They lend structure when needed and live through their receptive hearts to show what is possible. Its believing in the unseen and helping others do the same. It’s where hope lives, and I don’t know about you, but I want to be where hope is.

When I found numerology, I had discovered, I had been instinctively following my soul’s intended journey all along, but I just didn’t give myself real permission for me to do it. I’d dabble and wax poetic about the universal mysteries but never take it seriously. I never thought there was a job out there for me that fit all these perspectives. I found priestessing and numerology at the same time, and my world started to come together like the moment that must have been right before The Big Bang.

If you think the Priestess path is something you’d like to explore, please book a free call with me. I am training small groups of female spiritual leaders to walk alongside me in the, leading those who wish for deeper guidance on how to live in this new post-corona virus aquarian age.

Cheers to your spirit!


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