What Are Galactic Attachments?

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What Are Galactic Attachments?

The first one latched on when I was five years old, she said. I have been living with an interloper in my energy field my whole life. I actually can only remember 1 or 2 things before it entered my life. It had attached itself under my right shoulder blade. I don’t know how or why, but it saw me as a target.

I hear those who are empathetic and psychic get these attachments more than others. Turns out I was primed for this type of relationship. Empaths are notoriously perfect parent-ers for narcissists. And the main person in my physical life was a raging one.

Reptilians/galactic entities/attachments must see the opportunity. They must see the opening of and empaths feeling channel to hop right in. She was there for 31 years. I have experienced my entire life with a narcissistic energetic parasite controlling me ever so subtly all the time. She had entered in through my shoulder, then as I grew up, wrapped herself through the back of my heart, into my lungs and around my throat. Placing her roots as a barrier to my voice.

And this was just ONE of the reptilian attachments I had.

But back to this one for a bit.

She had wrapped herself around my neck, making it impossible for me to turn my neck to the right. She used a car accident I was in when I was 17 to make her roots deeper. That’s when I was injured so badly that I have had neck pains and severe stiffness since then. Here’s the fucking kicker that my guides told me about her. She saved my life in that car accident.

Oh come on! I said. That’s so fucked up. So she comes in and steals my life, saves my life so that she can continue to steal my beautiful life force. So so fucked up.

But I should have died in that accident. We were T-boned on my side of the car, the other car going 70 mph, it made such an impact that the car was severed in half, one inch behind my head.

She saved my life.

I don’t know what she did but the feeling I got was that she pushed me/the other car out of the way by just an inch or so, so that I would only feel the energetic impact and not the physical one. And that was subsequently the energy that actually made it easier for her to go in a bit deeper. And I don’t think she did it out of only personal gain. I think the entrance deeper into my energy was the “reward “ she got for creating just an energetic impact and not a physical one for me to experience. It makes me wonder if we made a pact centuries ago to do this for each other? Is something that saves your life really an enemy? It’s truly mindboggling.

So in a way I’m really grateful. Although she has majorly fucked with my life.

My energetic healer said shes made it so I could only take a tiny step forward in my life before I’d feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and then stop myself. Always start and stop, never feeling like I was enough to keep going. Never ever enough to just be me, the me where I’m at right now, not the me that wants to be at as quickly as possible. But that’s supposedly the point of galactic attachments, they keep you from feeling like you can ever move forward in life. It’s beyond frustrating to be shackled in your own life, but feel so optimistic about yourself. It’s a strange type of torture.

Speaking of feeling tortured in my soul, you want to know the words I heard in my head before I decided to call Rachael, my healer? It was a Friday and I was bored and VERY tired of this walking through hip-high mud and from somewhere I felt an idea become planted in my head “why don’t you just kill yourself this weekend. That’ll give you something to do”. For a very brief moment, I contemplated it. It was convincing. It sounded like my voice. But I know that is not something I would say or do. It was her ultimate attacking. She felt me closer to becoming whole, that her window was closing in on her time with me, and it was one last-ditch effort to delay me yet again. I was scared shitless and suddenly knew what it felt like for any person who had been accused of hearing voices and punished for it. Sometimes those voices are just not yours, even though they are disguised as you. My heart aches for all those who were lost to their own hand every day. We don’t know enough about galactic entities and it is far from mainstream, but if this can help anyone who feels hopeless, please know I am here for you, and this may not be within your control.

Not within your control, but you can do something about it. This bitch had to go. So I made an appointment. Whatever the cost is for this removal, it is worth it times infinity.

Now on to toad #2. I don’t have as much of a connection to this one. It entered my field when I was 15 going on 16 just behind my left knee. Oddly enough, I hurt that knee at a sweet sixteen party to the song “Jump Around”. And that was the opportune time to get in there. This one has disconnected me to everything I should have innately known about womanhood and accepting love from women, since it wrapped itself all into my vulva, weaving itself like an intricate bag of tricks. Completely cutting me off from accessing my creativity, and making me feel powerless over myself.

And out of nowhere during the removal, my healer starts talking about the tongue. How the tongue and face through the ears is representative of the vulva area. Ovaries, clitoris, vagina. And then I lost it. Just before the session, I had prayed she could help me with my addictions. One of them being biting my tongue to pieces. I’ve never been able to stop and it started when I was about 16. I couldn’t believe it. It made so much sense to me, that my womanhood was trying to get a hold of me so badly that I manifested an affliction to mutilating my tongue.

Its been almost a month and I have not had one, NOT ONE need to have my afflictions/addictions. No tongue biting or mouth chewing. I can move my head equally on both sides, my asthma is almost gone and I have been able to walk my path unencumbered. I have ordered 3 yoni eggs to wake up the chakra that’s been closed off for so so long, so I’m excited to see how that goes. My healer says so many things woke up inside her when she woke up her yoni energies. There’s a new frontier ahead for me and I ready to pioneer it! The priestess way!



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May 12, 2020

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